Updates on progress of Constitution bid
Team updates and tasks on Dework
Transitioning from notion to Bip
Misc discussion
Last year, we made a bid on a Constitution at an auction through Sotheby's, a website for art auctions.
In addition, we support Constitution DAO ….Naturally, we are all aware of how it turned out, but Sotheby's just revealed that another constitution is currently up for auction. There are only two copies left, and this is the second one that is in private hands. Therefore, this is a sort of second chance.
On December 13th, the auction will take place, and we have decided to share the proceeds between Juice Box and a Knucle.
Our intention is to have this standing today, and we succeeded to a large extent. Okay. we can complete it on Monday, test it, and then make it live on Wednesday, just in time for Thanksgiving. Okay. There are numerous operational tasks that must be completed between now and Wednesday because, once the website is set up and published, the multi-SIGs that the juicebox and the knucle are pointed to must already be finalized, which calls for the identification of the signers and the core team that will support them.
Juice Box is really cool because it rewards you for hosting projects by giving you tokens and a percentage of the proceeds that are called jbx tokens. This encourages all of the projects that use Juice Box to get involved in the company's governance and contribute to decisions about things like fees, products, and other governance-related matters.
Let's just assume that there was no vote or that the fee waiver was rejected. Would it be a bad idea to sell a significant number of those JBX tokens? If we're just truly concerned in keeping all of those shares,