11TH OF JUNE 2022


Moderator/Facilitator – zerohash.x

Attendees : 0xAA, zerohash.x, greenside.eth, MatterTurbulent, emmzii, Y4000, damilola.eth, Niffo


Note taker: damilola.eth

Topics for the week

  1. Formalizing incubator process
  2. Check in about current incubates (soulbound,glyph guild, pedex)
  3. Season 1 retrospective
  4. Teams should start working on their seasons 2 budgeting
  5. How to make our governance more democratic. Snapshort is problematic because whales hold so much power
  6. Steps needed to complete accounting for MAY discussion around reward systems in general (do we proceed with coordinate in Season 2 or try alternatives)
  7. Ongoing and finished snapshort proposals for this week